PHP - HTTPS, kurabiye ve vekil ile, kendi sunucusu yalak, bir uzak sunucuya giriş ve html indirme

0 Cevap php

ne yani ben yapmaya çalışıyorum şudur:

  • (İsmimin ve / pass ya da benim kurabiye ya) kendi sunucusunda bir PHPile diğer sunucuya giriş
  • sonra ben görüntülemek istediğiniz sayfaya erişimi var / indirme

i want to write a PHPscript that is located on my own server, that automatically does a login to another server, that uses HTTPS and a web form for login. after the login i have access to that page that i am trying to download. i dont know if it would be possible to login and download the html only with the cookies that i have in my browser through a previous login, or if i need to do the login in my php script through some https login method. can i do any of this with curl or fsocksopen or what would be the best way to realize this?

şimdiden teşekkürler!

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