Doktrin Sütun bulunamadı: 'alan listesindeki'' 1054 Bilinmeyen sütun' s.features '

0 Cevap php

I added a new column "features" to the site table and regenerated the models using Doctrine.
This code is causing an error:

 $siteTable = Doctrine_Core::getTable("Site");
 $site = $siteTable->findOneByName("site"); // this line is throwing an exception


Alan listesinde Bilinmeyen sütun "s.features" .....

I checked the database and it contains the field, I also checked the Site model and the table definition contains the column information. The primary key of all tables is id. Also in the line which throws the exception I am not using the newly added column. If I remove the column from the table definition of the site object then the above code works...

Ben yeni bir sütun eklemek ve ondan modelleri yeniden bu hata herhangi bir tablo oluyor.

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