OpenID AX, Google ve mod_rewrite

0 Cevap php

I am trying to implemented an OpenID for our project(Zend, PHP, Apache), and hitting a weird problem. After user authenticates at the provider's side and is sent back to our website, apache gives 500 Internal Server Error response. Logs are completely blank. I've noticed though that when using OpenID AX with Google, they returning way too large of a URL. First I thought that this is related to the problem described here:

Ama biz kullanmak görünüşte htaccess, varlığı için herhangi bir dosya denetler asla, ve gerçekten de regex yapmaz. Nitekim olarak, aşağıdaki 3 satır kadar basit:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (libs\/TinyMCE.*)$ - [L]
RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|swf|xml|avi|flv|mov|mp3|wav)$ index.php [L]

AX kapatılması - sorun uzağa gitmek yapar

0 Cevap