Eclipse Subversion Plugin Subclipse bir hata gösteriyor

0 Cevap php

Eclipse Sürüm kullanıyorum: 3.3.2

I have imported a project which is on already on SVN repository. I just checked out in wwwroot and then imported into eclipse. Done some changes. Then i was thinking to install subclipse. opened eclipse plugin manager installed Subclipse 1.2.4. Then right clicked on project ->Team -> Share Project -> selected SVN. It shows an error :

org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format svn: This client is too old to work with working copy 'C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\project'; please get a newer Subversion client

Is there any problem with Subclipse? Is it effect SVN repository or my changes? Should i proceed further?

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