PHP Yüz algılama

0 Cevap php

Herkes PHP yüz algılama yapmak için iyi bir yol biliyor mu? I came across some code here bunu yapmak iddia ediyor, ama düzgün çalışması için almak gibi olamaz. Ben bu işi (yavaş olacak olsa bile) ve beni gerçekten takdir verebilirim herhangi bir yardım yapmak istiyorum.

İşte bağlantısından kodu:

// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.     
// @Author Karthik Tharavaad 
// @Contributor Maurice Svay
//              maurice@svay.Com

class Face_Detector {

    protected $detection_data;
    protected $canvas;
    protected $face;
    private $reduced_canvas;

    public function __construct($detection_file = 'detection.dat') {
        if (is_file($detection_file)) {
            $this->detection_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($detection_file));
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Couldn't load detection data");
        //$this->detection_data = json_decode(file_get_contents('data.js'));

    public function face_detect($file) {
        if (!is_file($file)) {
            throw new Exception("Can not load $file");

        $this->canvas = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
        $im_width = imagesx($this->canvas);
        $im_height = imagesy($this->canvas);

        //Resample before detection?
        $ratio = 0;
        $diff_width = 320 - $im_width;
        $diff_height = 240 - $im_height;
        if ($diff_width > $diff_height) {
            $ratio = $im_width / 320;
        } else {
            $ratio = $im_height / 240;

        if ($ratio != 0) {
            $this->reduced_canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($im_width / $ratio, $im_height / $ratio);
            imagecopyresampled($this->reduced_canvas, $this->canvas, 0, 0, 0, 0, $im_width / $ratio, $im_height / $ratio, $im_width, $im_height);

            $stats = $this->get_img_stats($this->reduced_canvas);
            $this->face = $this->do_detect_greedy_big_to_small($stats['ii'], $stats['ii2'], $stats['width'], $stats['height']);
            $this->face['x'] *= $ratio;
            $this->face['y'] *= $ratio;
            $this->face['w'] *= $ratio;
        } else {
            $stats = $this->get_img_stats($this->canvas);
            $this->face = $this->do_detect_greedy_big_to_small($stats['ii'], $stats['ii2'], $stats['width'], $stats['height']);
        return ($this->face['w'] > 0);

    public function toJpeg() {
        $color = imagecolorallocate($this->canvas, 255, 0, 0); //red
        imagerectangle($this->canvas, $this->face['x'], $this->face['y'], $this->face['x']+$this->face['w'], $this->face['y']+ $this->face['w'], $color);
        header('Content-type: image/jpeg');

    public function toJson() {
        return "{'x':" . $this->face['x'] . ", 'y':" . $this->face['y'] . ", 'w':" . $this->face['w'] . "}";

    public function getFace() {
        return $this->face;

    protected function get_img_stats($canvas){
        $image_width = imagesx($canvas);
        $image_height = imagesy($canvas);     
        $iis =  $this->compute_ii($canvas, $image_width, $image_height);
        return array(
            'width' => $image_width,
            'height' => $image_height,
            'ii' => $iis['ii'],
            'ii2' => $iis['ii2']

    protected function compute_ii($canvas, $image_width, $image_height ){
        $ii_w = $image_width+1;
        $ii_h = $image_height+1;
        $ii = array();
        $ii2 = array();      

        for($i=0; $i<$ii_w; $i++ ){
            $ii[$i] = 0;
            $ii2[$i] = 0;

        for($i=1; $i<$ii_w; $i++ ){  
            $ii[$i*$ii_w] = 0;       
            $ii2[$i*$ii_w] = 0; 
            $rowsum = 0;
            $rowsum2 = 0;
            for($j=1; $j<$ii_h; $j++ ){
                $rgb = ImageColorAt($canvas, $j, $i);
                $red = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
                $green = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
                $blue = $rgb & 0xFF;
                $grey = ( 0.2989*$red + 0.587*$green + 0.114*$blue )>>0;  // this is what matlab uses
                $rowsum += $grey;
                $rowsum2 += $grey*$grey;

                $ii_above = ($i-1)*$ii_w + $j;
                $ii_this = $i*$ii_w + $j;

                $ii[$ii_this] = $ii[$ii_above] + $rowsum;
                $ii2[$ii_this] = $ii2[$ii_above] + $rowsum2;
        return array('ii'=>$ii, 'ii2' => $ii2);

    protected function do_detect_greedy_big_to_small( $ii, $ii2, $width, $height ){
        $s_w = $width/20.0;
        $s_h = $height/20.0;
        $start_scale = $s_h < $s_w ? $s_h : $s_w;
        $scale_update = 1 / 1.2;
        for($scale = $start_scale; $scale > 1; $scale *= $scale_update ){
            $w = (20*$scale) >> 0;
            $endx = $width - $w - 1;
            $endy = $height - $w - 1;
            $step = max( $scale, 2 ) >> 0;
            $inv_area = 1 / ($w*$w);
            for($y = 0; $y < $endy ; $y += $step ){
                for($x = 0; $x < $endx ; $x += $step ){
                    $passed = $this->detect_on_sub_image( $x, $y, $scale, $ii, $ii2, $w, $width+1, $inv_area);
                    if( $passed ) {
                        return array('x'=>$x, 'y'=>$y, 'w'=>$w);
                } // end x
            } // end y
        }  // end scale
        return null;

    protected function detect_on_sub_image( $x, $y, $scale, $ii, $ii2, $w, $iiw, $inv_area){
        $mean = ( $ii[($y+$w)*$iiw + $x + $w] + $ii[$y*$iiw+$x] - $ii[($y+$w)*$iiw+$x] - $ii[$y*$iiw+$x+$w]  )*$inv_area;
        $vnorm =  ( $ii2[($y+$w)*$iiw + $x + $w] + $ii2[$y*$iiw+$x] - $ii2[($y+$w)*$iiw+$x] - $ii2[$y*$iiw+$x+$w]  )*$inv_area - ($mean*$mean);    
        $vnorm = $vnorm > 1 ? sqrt($vnorm) : 1;

        $passed = true;
        for($i_stage = 0; $i_stage < count($this->detection_data); $i_stage++ ){
            $stage = $this->detection_data[$i_stage];  
            $trees = $stage[0];  

            $stage_thresh = $stage[1];
            $stage_sum = 0;

            for($i_tree = 0; $i_tree < count($trees); $i_tree++ ){
                $tree = $trees[$i_tree];
                $current_node = $tree[0];    
                $tree_sum = 0;
                while( $current_node != null ){
                    $vals = $current_node[0];
                    $node_thresh = $vals[0];
                    $leftval = $vals[1];
                    $rightval = $vals[2];
                    $leftidx = $vals[3];
                    $rightidx = $vals[4];
                    $rects = $current_node[1];

                    $rect_sum = 0;
                    for( $i_rect = 0; $i_rect < count($rects); $i_rect++ ){
                        $s = $scale;
                        $rect = $rects[$i_rect];
                        $rx = ($rect[0]*$s+$x)>>0;
                        $ry = ($rect[1]*$s+$y)>>0;
                        $rw = ($rect[2]*$s)>>0;  
                        $rh = ($rect[3]*$s)>>0;
                        $wt = $rect[4];

                        $r_sum = ( $ii[($ry+$rh)*$iiw + $rx + $rw] + $ii[$ry*$iiw+$rx] - $ii[($ry+$rh)*$iiw+$rx] - $ii[$ry*$iiw+$rx+$rw] )*$wt;
                        $rect_sum += $r_sum;

                    $rect_sum *= $inv_area;

                    $current_node = null;
                    if( $rect_sum >= $node_thresh*$vnorm ){
                        if( $rightidx == -1 ) 
                            $tree_sum = $rightval;
                            $current_node = $tree[$rightidx];
                    } else {
                        if( $leftidx == -1 )
                            $tree_sum = $leftval;
                            $current_node = $tree[$leftidx];
                $stage_sum += $tree_sum;
            if( $stage_sum < $stage_thresh ){
                return false;
        return true;


$detector = new Face_Detector('detection.dat');

Ben çalıştırıyorum sorun, hem de bu sayfadaki yorumlarda geliyor gibi görünüyor. "Imagecolorat () [function.imagecolorat]: 320,1 sınırlar dışında." Yani, ben dosyanın üstüne (gerçekten çözüm) bir error_reporting (0) eklenmiş, ve diğer zamanlarda sadece bir şey yapmaz iken bazen çalışmıyor gibi görünüyor.

Herhangi bir düşünce?

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