PHP Session kimlikleri paylaşımlı sunucu üzerinde çalışmıyor

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Server: Windows IIS7
Host: shared "deluxe"

Ben sunucuda bir oturum kimliğini saklamak için PHP oturumları kullanan bir oturum açma komut ile sorun yaşıyorum. Ben herhangi bir sorun olmadan Dreamhost sitesi ve bir Bluehost sitesinde hem de bu aynı tam komut kullandık. Bu kullanarak benim ilk kez ve ben hiçbir şey ama problem yaşadım. Godaddy kolayca bir Linux sunucu üzerinden geçmek için izin yok ama müvekkilim ASP.NET ile yazılmış barındırılan diğer siteler vardır ve ben işe yaramadı bu sitelerin geçirildiğinde yani geri Windows'a geçmek zorunda kaldı.

Temelde ben here bulunan tam kodu kullandım

ve ben sadece giriş, parola ve oturum kimliğini saklamak için yerini değiştirdik.

Kod 4 dosya bölünmüş olduğunu.

  1. login.php
  2. logout.php
  3. class_session.php
  4. Eğer şifrenizi istediğiniz bir dosyanın başında koymak bir kod bit koruma

here's the error I'm getting:
Object Moved
This document may be found here
("here" is a link that just points back to login.php)

The Class_session.php has a $log variable that allows you to troubleshoot. When I echo it out I get this:
session() called
exists() called
sid: 00fada16b0fb755ea1df7928592c7272
load() called
D:\Hosting\2556240\html\sid_00fada16b0fb755ea1df7928592c7272 does not exist.
Could not restore session.
save() called
Could not create or open D:\Hosting\2556240\html\sid_00fada16b0fb755ea1df7928592c7272

Ben sorunu bu yüzden burada Class_session.php dosyasında oluyor düşünüyorum böylece linke tıklayın gerekmez kodu:

and I've tried a million variations on the sessdion ID save path here to no avail:
$this->dir = realpath("../")."/";

* Filename.......: class_session.php
* Author.........: Troy Wolf []
* Last Modified..: Date: 2005/06/18 14:20:00
* Description....: A session management and password protection class.
                   This class can be used to perform 2 major functions:
                      1. Create and maintain session state between page hits.
                         This class does this using simple session cache files
                         into which the session is stored as a serialized array.
                         This is similar to how PHP's built-in sessions store
                         session data.  One big advantage of this class is that
                         you have full control over the session time-out.
                      2. Password protect PHP pages by requiring authentication.
                         Simply pass in "true" when creating a new session
                         object to use this functionality. You'll also need to
                         create your own login.phpscript. A sample login.php
                         is packaged with this class.

                   Be sure you look at the cleanAll() method in this class.
class session {

  var $id;
  var $data;
  var $log;
  var $dir;
  var $filename;
  var $login_page;

  The class constructor.
  function session($login_required=false) {
    $this->log = "session() called<br />";
    $ret = true;

    All the session variables are available in the data[] array. Unless you 
    know what you are doing, Do not use these array keys as they are used
    internally by the class:
    $this->data = array();

    If you will have some pages that require login, set your login page here.
    Defaults to login.phpin current dir.
    $this->login_page = "login.php";

    Define the directory to save session files in. This defaults to the current
    dir, but this is probably not what you want. For one thing, it is INSECURE!
    It also will prevent your sessions from working between scripts in different
    dirs. It is highly recommended that you set this to a non web-accessible
    dir. End this value with a "/".
    $this->dir = realpath("../");

    if ($this->exists()) {
      $this->log .= "sid: ".$this->id."<br />";
      if (!$this->load()) {
        This is not necessarily a show-stopper. This will happen if you've
        previously started a session, but never saved it. This would also occur
        if you delete the session's cache file during a live session.
        $this->log .= "Could not restore session.<br />";
        $ret = true;
    } else {
      if (!$this->newId()) {
        $this->log .= "Could not create new session.<br />";
        $ret = false;
      $this->log .= "sid: ".$this->id."<br />";

    if ($login_required) {
      $this->log .= "Require login requested<br />";
      if (!$this->data['logged_in']) {
        $this->log .= "Not logged in, redirecting to "
          .$this->login_page."<br />"; 
        $this->data['page_destination'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
        header("Location: ".$this->login_page);
    return $ret;

  expire() is useful for a logout feature. It will empty the session data,
  delete the session file, and expire the sid cookie.
  function expire() {
    $this->log .= "expire() called<br />";
    $ret = true;
    $this->data = array();
    if (!file_exists($this->filename)) {
      $this->log .= $this->filename." does not exist.<br />";
      $ret = false;
    } else {
      if (!@unlink($this->filename)) {
        $this->log .= "session file delete failed for "
          .$this->filename."<br />";
        $ret = false;
    if (!setcookie('sid' ,$this->id, time()-3600, "/")) {
      $this->log .= "sid cookie expire failed. This may be due to browser"
        ." output started prior.<br />";
      $ret = false;
    return $ret;

  exists() checks if sid cookie exists on user's computer. If so, set id.
  function exists() {
    $this->log .= "exists() called<br />";
    if (!isset($_COOKIE['sid'])) {
      $this->log .= "sid cookie does not exist.<br />";
      return false;
    $this->id = $_COOKIE['sid'];
    $this->filename = $this->dir."sid_".$this->id;
    return true;

  newId() generates a 32 character identifier that is extremely difficult to
  predict. Save to a cookie to persist between pages.
  function newId() {
    $this->log .= "newId() called<br />";
    $this->id = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
    $this->filename = $this->dir."sid_".$this->id;
    if (!setcookie('sid' ,$this->id, null, "/")) {
      $this->log .= "sid cookie save failed. This may be due to browser"
        ." output started prior or the user has disabled cookies.<br />";
      return false;
    return true;

  load() reads in session data stored in session file.
  function load() {
    $this->log .= "load() called<br />";
    if (!file_exists($this->filename)) {
      $this->log .= $this->filename." does not exist.<br />";
      return false;
    if (!$x = @file_get_contents($this->filename)) {
      $this->log .= "Could not read ".$this->filename."<br />";
      return false;
    if (!$this->data = unserialize($x)) {
      $this->log .= "unserialize failed<br />";
      $this->data = array();
      return false;
    return true;

  save() stores session data in session file to persist data between pages.
  function save() {
    $this->log .= "save() called<br />";
    if (count($this->data) < 1) {
      $this->log .= "Nothing to save.<br />";
      return false;
    //create file pointer
    if (!$fp=@fopen($this->filename,"w")) {
      $this->log .= "Could not create or open ".$this->filename."<br />";
      return false;
    //write to file
    if (!@fwrite($fp,serialize($this->data))) {
      $this->log .= "Could not write to ".$this->filename."<br />";
      return false;
    //close file pointer
    return true;

  cleanAll() will clean up your session dir removing all 'sid_' files with a 
  modified date older than the number of minutes passed in. This method is here
  as a convenience. You probably want to create a cron job that cleans this up
  on a daily basis.
  function cleanAll($minutes) {
    $this->log .= "cleanAll() called to delete sessions older than "
      .$minutes." minutes<br />";
    $ret = shell_exec("find -type f -name 'sid_*' -maxdepth 1 -mmin +".$minutes." -exec rm -f {} \;");



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