php basılamaz dizeleri

0 Cevap php

Onları yazdırırken benim metin dizeleri çok garip davranır. Hepsi DOMDocuments yardımıyla bir web sitesi ayrıştırma geliyor. I DOMNode::nodeValue çözümlü metinleri almak için kullandık.

Most of my string is not printable with printf. Instead I get a warningmessage "Warning: printf(): Too few arguments ". I've tried to use var_dump on the strings and they all contain string characters. Some are recognized by var_dump as strings, but they are not printable either. Should say that I'm rather guessing that var_dump recognizes them as strings since string(length of string) is printed before the dumped characters. Is there some sort of characters that could cause this behaviour that causes my strings to be interpreted as something else?

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