Sosyal Altın - flash uygulaması ile entegrasyon

0 Cevap php

I plan to use Social Gold for payment in my application. SG site has instructions for using the service and sale of virtual currency - - it using signatures and server requests.

However, on the same site is an example of the game In this example, the game absolutely does not use a server method, and sends the secret parameters not safe. I understand that this is done for testing.

Each user my app gets a unique id when registering. Each time the application start accesses the database and gets information about the user: settings, value of virtual currency, etc. After performing certain actions (click on the button, buying patterns) is debit the currency. If the user wants to purchase with the help of Social gold virtual currency, then I need to get from SG service callback that payment by the user with id = '12345' was successful. Yes, I can set in control panel Postback URL, but how it can change the data in my flash application?

Ben belgelerinde bu nasıl bir açıklama bulamadık.

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