Mysql garip sembolleri tanımak sahip iken, bir sunucu tarafı AES şifreleme ile mysql içine eklemek nasıl?

0 Cevap php

this is my first post and I'm very new with mysql and php.
I'm currently doing AES encryption for passwords. I'm using this encryption: since we don't have SSL security and must protect our server side as well.

Bana bu gibi şifreli bir dize verir: '

Can you help this poor damsel? Thank you for your time.

    $input = '123456';

function Encrypt($toEncrypt)
   $Cipher = new AESCipher(AES::AES256);
   $password = 'superKeyHere'; 
   $cryptext = $Cipher->encrypt($toEncrypt, $password);
   return CleanUpString($cryptext);

function Decrypt($toDecrypt)
  $Cipher = new AESCipher(AES::AES256); 
   $password = 'superKeyHere';
   $output = $Cipher->decrypt($toDecrypt, $password);
   return CleanUpString($output);

 function CleanUpString($inp)
    return str_replace(array("�", "ۓ"), array("=^_^=", "=^.^="), $inp); 

  $cryptext=Encrypt($input) ;
  print 'cryptext: '.$cryptext.'<br />';

   $oSql = new sql(0);
   $oSql->query("update userTab set pass='$cryptext' where id=1");

   $oSql = new sql(0);
   $oSql->query("select pass from userTab where id=1");
   $rows = $oSql->get_table_hash();
    if (sizeof($rows) >0){
    $cryptext= $rows[0]["pass"];
 print 'message: '.$cryptext.'<br />'; 


0 Cevap