AddHandler x-httpd-php eşdeğer?

0 Cevap php

VERY little experience here, so please bare with me. I've got a GoDaddy Windows Hosted site. I want a PHP engine to parse my HTML pages, so that the following "index.html" might work:


<?php include("header.php"); ?>
<h1>Bla Bla</h1>


. Ben bir Linux sunucu barındırılan seçti öngörü olsaydı, ben sadece dahil htaccess değiştirebilir:

AddHandler x-httpd-php .php .htm .html

However, I'm told Windows Hosted servers don't use .htaccess; I should be looking at "web.config". My question is, what is the "AddHandler x-httpd-php .php .htm .html" equivalent for web.config? A better way to achieve this?

0 Cevap