CakePHP Çerezler şifreli alıyorum - Suhosin ilgili

0 Cevap php

Nedense ben onlar ayarlandıktan sonra herhangi bir sayfada benim CakePHP uygulaması herhangi bir tanımlama okuyamadı duyuyorum, döndürülen tek şey bozuk metindir.

Benim kod olarak bu kadar basittir:

$this->Cookie->write('Region', 'test');
$reg = $this->Cookie->read('Region');

I uncomment the $this->Cookie->write() line and all I get back is a bunch of random control characters. I also recently upgraded to CakePHP 1.3 but AFAIK this should not effect cookie like this... This was working fine until I changed server, this must be the root of my problem.

Update After probing around further I have discovered this is a known issue with the Suhosin security patch for PHP effecting the rand() and srand() methods, I had configured Suhosin to allow the rand() functions but still it is happening, is there a more effective work around out there?

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