cron her çalıştırdıktan sonra veritabanı sırayla güncellemek için dosya

0 Cevap php

im redesigning a mmorpg game and im in a bit of a pickle on this one. i have the following code on the daily cron file.

dbn("update mygame set event = '11' where event = '10'");

Şimdi ...

this file runs once a day. i would like to update the database in a way such day 1 ----- event =10, Gün 2 ----- event =11, day 3 ----- event =12 ...etc, in other words, once the event is set it will automatically update itself till it dies out. Hence day 1

dbn("update mygame set event = '10' where event = '9'");

Gün 2

dbn("update mygame set event = '11' where event = '10'");

böylece ve benzeri.

Any ideas? Thank you in advance for reading.

0 Cevap