Bu nasıl kontrol mimarisi komut görünüyor?

0 Cevap php

Ben (aşağıda yer) benim denetim mimarisi senaryo üzerinde geribildirim için arıyorum. Özellikle, betiğin tasarımı, organizasyon, yorumlama ve biçimlendirme ile ilgili geribildirim için arıyorum. Ben bir hobi olarak php programlama zevk ve benim kod geliştirmek nerede öğrenmek için arıyorum.

Şimdiden teşekkürler!

class FrontController extends ActionController {

//Declaring variable(s)
private static $instance;
protected $controller;

//Class construct method
public function __construct() {}

//Starts new instance of this class with a singleton pattern
public static function getInstance() {
    if(!self::$instance) {
        self::$instance = new self();
    return self::$instance;

public function dispatch($throwExceptions = false) {

    /* Checks for the GET variables $module and $action, and, if present,
     * strips them down with a regular expression function with a white
     * list of allowed characters, removing anything that is not a letter,
     * number, underscore or hyphen.
    $regex  = '/[^-_A-z0-9]+/';
    $module = isset($_GET['module']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['module']) : 'home';
    $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['action']) : 'frontpage';

    /* Generates Actions class filename (example: HomeActions) and path to
     * that class (example: home/HomeActions.php), checks if $file is a
     * valid file, and then, if so, requires that file.
    $class = ucfirst($module) . 'Actions';
    $file  = $this->pageDir . '/' . $module . '/' . $class . '.php';

    try {

        //Checks for existance of file
        if (!is_file($file)) {
            throw new Exception('File not found!');

        //Includes file
        require_once $file;

        /* Creates a new instance of the Actions class (example: $controller
         * = new HomeActions();), and passes the registry variable to the
         * ActionController class.
        $controller = new $class();

        //Trys the setModule method in the ActionController class

        /* The ActionController dispatchAction method checks if the method
         * exists, then runs the displayView function in the
         * ActionController class.

    } catch(Exception $error) {

        /* An exception has occurred, and will be displayed if
         * $throwExceptions is set to true.
        if($throwExceptions) {
            echo $error;

abstract class ActionController {

//Declaring variable(s)
protected $registry;
protected $module;
protected $registryItems = array();

//Class construct method
public function __construct(){}

public function setRegistry($registry) {

    //Sets the registry object
    $this->registry = $registry;

    /* Once the registry is loaded, the controller root directory path is
     * set from the registry.  This path is needed for the controller
     * classes to work properly.

//Sets the controller root directory from the value stored in the registry
public function setPageDir() {
    $this->pageDir = $this->registry->get('pageDir');

//Sets the module
public function setModule($module) {
    $this->module = $module;

//Gets the module
public function getModule() {
    return $this->module;

/* Checks for actionMethod in the Actions class (example: doFrontpage()
 * within home/HomeActions.php) with the method_exists function and, if
 * present, the actionMethod and displayView functions are executed.
public function dispatchAction($action) {
    $actionMethod = 'do' . ucfirst($action);
    if (!method_exists($this, $actionMethod)) {
        throw new Exception('Action not found!');

public function displayView($action) {
    if (!is_file($this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php')) {
        throw new Exception('View not found!');

    //Sets $this->actionView to the path of the action View file
    $this->actionView = $this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php';

    //Sets path of the action View file into the registry
    $this->registry->set('actionView', $this->actionView);

    //Includes template file within which the action View file is included
    require_once $this->pageDir . '/default.tpl';

class Registry {

//Declaring variables
private $store;

//Class constructor
public function __construct() {}

//Sets registry variable
public function set($label, $object) {
    $this->store[$label] = $object;

//Gets registry variable    
public function get($label) {
    if(isset($this->store[$label])) {
        return $this->store[$label];
    } else {
        return false;          

//Adds outside array of registry values to $this->store array
public function addRegistryArray($registryItems) {
    foreach ($registryItems as $key => $value) {
        $this->set($key, $value);

//Returns registry array
public function getRegistryArray() {
    return $this->store;

0 Cevap